24 May 2020 PDT
Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, Golden Springs Drive, Diamond Bar, CA, USA Map
We want to invite you to a special Drive-In Church Service at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs.
As a church, we want to give you and your family the opportunity to experience service in a different way during this COVID-19 season! We will be having this special service on May 24, 2020. You will simply “drive-in” to our parking lot and attend service from your car. Our worship team will be with us and Pastor Raul will be teaching live all 3 services.
We are requesting that you RSVP, so we can know how many will be attending as we are limited in space. Spots are first-come, first serve.
Due to the COVID-19 we ask that you remain in your car for the ENTIRE service as you and your family will not be permitted to leave your cars for any reason. In attempt to keep our congregation safe, restrooms will be unavailable. Thank you for your understanding.